Saturday 5 February 2011

The Shining opening credit

The first thing we see in the frame is the view of the sea with mountains either side of it, one side in shadow and the other lit up by the sunlight-this could be interpreted as symbolising a characters' split personality. On the surface of the sea there is a small island in the centre, the camera does a gradual close up of this but then suddenly zooms past in the same motion as a car zooming past on a motorway. Immediately after this there is an edit to an overview shot of a tree filled area with a narrow road split through the middle. Along the road there is a driving car, a tracking shot is used to follow the car. Throughout the sequence, the use of wind music creates a sense of dread as it sounds similar to the sound of someone unhappy trudging around. As the car drives on we begin to notice that the appearance of trees become more sparse until eventually there are none and a huge icecapped mountain comes into view. Subsequently, rocky cliff sides and mountains come into view and the music changes from wind instruments to wailing like noise mixed with the sound of clattering cutlery; unsettling. The credits don't appear until halfway through the opening in a fluorescent blue font and they appear as though they are being pulled from the bottom of the frame.

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